Light Through the Clouds

And it’s all so much bigger than it seems
And it all overwhelms us now and then
And I’m banking on a chance that we believe
That good can still control the hearts of men

Elton John, “Answer in the Sky”, 2004


It’s weird how a song you haven’t thought of in years can suddenly reappear in your mind.

And how timely it can seem after that long.

But the above lyrics from an Elton John tune from sixteen years ago speak right to the frightening times we find ourselves in now.

As overwhelming as this whole coronavirus thing is, it is bringing out the good in so many people worldwide.

Even as it brings out the worst in so many others.

People are performing extraordinary acts of kindness toward their neighbors, their communities, their coworkers. Companies are repurposing their facilities to make ventilators and masks and other necessary supplies. Even entertainers are performing to raise money, or just to offer comfort to their fellow humans, as I mentioned in my last post.

Everywhere are examples of benevolence and goodness, of people acknowledging the gravity of the situation and the urgency of helping each other get through this unprecedented time in our shared existence. And it’s encouraging.

Especially despite the inexcusable ignorance I see displayed on a regular basis among other people who just can’t be inconvenienced with this whole thing. Their actions and their words not only shame us, they endanger us.

Good can still control the hearts of men, but sadly, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s up to us to see to it the good outweighs the bad.

Let’s do our part, even if in a small way, to make that happen.

Be safe, y’all.

“The Power of Art”

Want a little inspiration?

Go to and read a remarkable photographic essay about musicians in Iran who, despite being isolated due to the Coronavirus, still share their music with their neighbors, playing from their rooftops, front porches and apartment windows.

26yearold accordion player Kaveh Ghafari, had this to say about the opportunity to share music in his neighborhood:

“During these quarantine days, the only place that I feel I can share my music is in my yard with my neighbors as my main audience,” he said. “These days I can feel the power of art more than ever.”

Instead of being silenced because of their circumstance, they offer some beauty amid all the ugliness that surrounds them. A divine protest, if you will, against the cruelty of their condition.

It’s a wonderful story. Check it out.

Be safe, y’all.

Still Driving Four Years Later

Well, well…

Just got a reminder from WordPress about my blog’s four-year anniversary. Can’t believe it’s already been that long. Can’t believe people are still reading it after that long! But I’m very glad you are.

Thank all of you who have stopped in somewhere along my journey to read what’s going on in my scrambled egg of a mind. I hope you haven’t found it boring. I’ve tried to entertain, to educate, to point my fellow depression sufferers out there to some help, just to share what I think, for whatever it’s worth.

I’ll be honest: lately I’ve had thoughts of giving this writing thing up, because it’s been so freakin’ hard to come up with anything. My depression affects my concentration, and my inner critic gets pretty critical when I try to write something, so it’s two against one a lot of the time.

But I guess I’ll stay after it for awhile longer. Mainly cause I like the attention.

Thanks again, everyone. Blessings on you, and please stay safe.