My Sporting Life

Bloganuary writing prompt
What are your favorite sports to watch and play?

🏈 ⚾️ πŸ€ 🎾 ⛳️

Sports have been a part of my life since I was a kid playing basketball in the driveway of our neighbor’s house. They had a goal attached to the roof, so every wayward shot – and believe me, there were many – bounced off that roof. I’m sure the parents enjoyed hearing that all the time.

I liked playing basketball for one simple reason: basketballs didn’t hurt as much as baseballs or footballs when I got hit by them. πŸ€•

Does that give you an idea of what a superb player I was?

One other sport I liked playing as a kid was kickball. Just like baseball, only instead of trying to hit a hard little ball that was thrown at you 😬, you tried to kick a larger, softer ball rolled to you. Less fear, more fun.

I tried some other sports as I got older. Golf was fun only for the camaraderie of going out and knocking a ball around with my buddies, but pretty much every time I hit the ball, one of two things happened: it would either go about 90 degrees to the right, or straight down the fairway on the ground 🀬. So I gave that up.

Tennis is kinda fun, until somebody misses the ball (which, in my case, was often). Since I never played at Wimbledon, I didn’t have anyone retrieving it for me, so I had to walk over and get it myself. Gave me a chance to catch my breath, though πŸ₯΅. I gave that up, too.

I did play some football and baseball (or usually softball, slow-pitch); not in any kind of league, just with friends, where there was less chance of embarrassing myself. Needless to say, I didn’t exactly wow anyone with my athletic prowess. I did, however, provide a few laughs, so…

Now, let’s talk about watching.

I’ve pretty much always enjoyed watching some kind of sport, professional or amateur: football, baseball and basketball, mainly. College football is exciting because of all the school spirit displayed at the games. All the conference realignments bug me, though, but I digress.

Because of where I live, the pro teams I mostly follow are the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks and Texas Rangers. The Rangers, especially, are my team. Seeing them win their first World Series last year was really fantastic!

And because of where I went to college, the teams I mostly follow are from Baylor University. (Sic ’em, Bears!!)

Oh, and I like watching the Olympics. Summer and Winter. Can’t wait for the Paris Games later this year; I’ll mainly be watching swimming, diving, gymnastics, and some track and field. It ought to be great.

Oh, one last thing: my favorite sport to play these days is napping. At least, I excel in that one. 😴😴

Sorry, Kids


I originally wrote this almost eight years ago. I meant every word of it then, and I do now. This updated version contains some additional text, in italics. This election year, let’s keep in mind the ones too young to vote, and the tremendous responsibility we have to them.Β  Β Larry

I am not a parent.

I am, though, old enough to be one. A grandparent, even.

So, for a moment, I’d like to claim all the children of America as my own, and offer this message to them:

Kids, I’m so sorry. You certainly do not deserve this country you’re inheriting. Unfortunately, it’s what I’m passing on to you.

I’m passing onΒ to you an environment that is only just beginning to get payback for all the abuse that’s been carelessly, shamelessly inflicted upon it by its human inhabitants. Payback that will continue, and get steadily more merciless and widespread. Because your planet is melting.

I’m passing on to you an economy made of straw, just waiting for some Big, Bad Wolf to blow it completely to smithereens. An economy with an ever widening chasm between the outrageously wealthy and everyone else, with greed and resentment both growing unabatedly.

I’m passing onΒ to you a hopelesslyΒ dysfunctional government that cannot accomplish anything significant due to its exasperating, everlasting compulsion to sabotage itself, and struggles toΒ produce even one single person worthy of being elected to lead it. Those who deem themselves worthy try to prove it, not through substance and character, but through rhetoric and demagoguery.

And, worst of all, I’m passing onΒ to you a society in which manners, courtesy, civility, respect, compassion and unselfishness are all endangered species.

A society that cares more about its own entertainment than anything else; that can barely afford to look up from its smartphone for so much as a second; that can’t wait for the premiere of the next reality show, which will surely appeal to an even baser instinct than the last one.

A society that believes most everything it hears, with little time or useΒ for such trivialities as facts and truth, which are treated even by the “news media” as amorphous, malleable objects, to be molded and shaped to fit personal agendas.

A society that unapologetically shovels more food intoΒ its collective belly, even as it’s surrounded by hungry, even starving people.

That increasingly views anyone of a race other than Caucasian – or a religion other than Christian – as worthless, irresponsible, inferior, even evil.

That zealously defends its own interpretation of the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution, while showing blatant disregard for the rest of it.

That bombs abortion clinics and murders gays and transgendered people, all “in the name of God.”

I cannot tell you how deeply sorry I am, children. For all of it.

Obviously, I had no regard whatsoever for your well-being, or your future.

And I absolutely could not be more ashamed.

I don’t expect forgiveness; these atrocities I’ve committed against you are difficult, if not impossible, to forgive.

All I can do at this point is commit the remaining days of my life, however many there may be, to doing whatever I can to right this terrible, terrible wrong.

See, I long agoΒ talked myself into believing my own individual actions would make no difference. The problems were just too overwhelmingly large and complex, and too many other people would continue to do nothing. I convinced myself I was powerless.

And maybe, I am. Maybe,Β my actionsΒ won’t make any difference. The problems haven’t gotten any smaller, or simpler. And still, there will be plenty of people who choose to do nothing, perhaps because they feel, like I have, that there is nothing they can do.

But, I really justΒ need to quit using that as an excuse. There’s no time for that, anymore, and besides, it’s a lousy example to be setting.

YouΒ deserve better.

Good luck, kids. Good luck.