Whatever Happened to Peace?

Maybe that’s a ridiculously naive question, but I still think it’s worth asking.

I just don’t know if anyone in Washington bothers asking it anymore. It’s as though the word has become quaint.

An entire generation of Americans has grown up in wartime. Peace, to them, is an abstract concept; maybe even a myth. That’s sad to think about.

Oh, well, I guess the defense contractors are happy, ‘cause their stocks went way up this week because of the events in Iran.


I guess it’s because peace requires maturity and toughness. I mean, think about it: anyone can fire missiles and beat their chest and talk macho. You want to prove how tough you are, have the guts to sit across from your enemy and work out a peace agreement.

I think women could do it if they were in charge. I think they are more acutely aware of the effects of war on children, and that would greatly influence their strategy in these situations.

Just sayin’.

Peace, not domination, not destruction, should be the objective in foreign relations.

You think Iran isn’t interested in peace? I’m willing to bet a large portion of the population actually is. We just never hear from them.

Just like they probably never hear from us. That’s got to change.

I don’t know how, exactly, but it’s time for those of us who cherish peace to take a stand for it.

Our opportunity, I think, is perilously close to ending.



4 thoughts on “Whatever Happened to Peace?

  1. I guess Thatcher is the counter-argument to women being more peaceful, though I do in general agree with you. There are a lot of pictures around at the moment of women surrounding the Greenham Common air base. I was there two or three times and saw what a powerful witness it was

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  2. At the first Democratic debate, Marianne Williamson became my favorite fringe candidate when she said, “Peace is not the absence of War. War is the absence of Peace”. She had to leave the race this past Friday. I hope that whoever is nominated to stop “Robber Hood and his Scary Men” remembers her perspective.

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